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Course Programme


19.00 Arrival.



Teachers are becoming more and more facilitators of self-contained learning students, that looks at least the ideal conception. In practice high numbers of students and heterogeneous learning groups confront teachers with high challenges - these are the focus on Day 1. Jointly we will analyze the new teacher role and you will learn to know possibilities to promote students individually without staying on the track with your time management.


09.00 Presentations and Course Introduction
10.00 New teacher role
11.00 How to individualize with online-tools?
12.00 Lunch
14.00 The importance of giving feedback
15.00 Flipped Classroom concept
16.00 Practical Application of Flipped Classroom



On our second day we'll work on eLearning/bLearning methods to differentiate and individualize. You'll try different tasks from the student's perspective and reflect on them from your familiar point of view, as a teacher, afterwards.
Besides the conception of individual conducive exercises and the ideal design of online-activities, you'll get to know a number of methods to differentiate. You will be able to design your own Moodle-activities for your pupils, trying to use online-resources to differentiate and encourage your students to gain new competences.


09.00 Introducing and accessing Moodle platform
10.00 Discipline administration and personalization
12.00 Lunch

13.30 Trying and reflecting about web 2.0 resources

15.30 Planning moodle activities  using online-resources
16.00 Collect, personalize and integrate



On this day you will - after a short presentation of various differentiated teaching and learning eligible Web 2.0 tools - get productive for yourself! 

You will experiment with at least two multimedia tools and think about ideas for their implementation in the classroom. A special focus lies on the fact, that the presented tools are freeware, open source or online-applications, which also can be used by your students.


09.00 Web 2.0 tool-book
12.00 Lunch

14.00 Integrating tools into Moodle: design, produce and participate



On this day you will get to know how to implement in your school some of the ideas discussed on previous days.

You will visit the Future Teacher E-ducation Lab of Education Institute in Lisbon University, and visit three schools, in order to know, in the field, how portuguese schools deal with technology integrated in the learning process.


10.00 Technology integration in XXI century schools seminar in Lisbon University

12.00 Lunch

14.00 Visiting schools, contacting with portuguese students and teachers



On this day you will get to know different alternative assessment methods and you will discuss their suitability in practice. Jointly with your colleagues you will discuss this subject, exchange experiences and think about pros and cons about assessing alternatively.

Finally you'll concentrate on one method, which you'll prepare as an online-activity for your pupils. 


09.00 Think back and discuss

10.00 Examples already tried out

11.00 Online Assessment Techniques
12.00 Lunch

14.00 Using Moodle for alternative assessments: ePortfolios and project based learning

16.00 Course evaluation and new opportunities for future collaboration

18.00 Excursion and Farewell Dinner at a restaurant in the city centre

Reserve now for your KA1 proposal

© 2016 by Agrupamento de Escolas de São João da Talha. Based on BLEND-IT European project and EML@B portuguese project.


Last update: September, 10th, 2018.

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